2023 Climate Finance Database

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Date issued
Mar 2024
Under the current IDBG Corporate Results Framework (CRF) 2020-2023 (https://crf.iadb.org/en), the IDB committed to reach 30% of the total amount approved (including all lending operations) of climate finance during this period. In 2022, the IDB Group - composed of the IDB, IDB Lab (formerly the Multilateral Investment Fund) and IDB Invest - approved US$7.8 billion in climate finance as per the MDB climate finance tracking methodology. This resource is aimed at development activities carried out by the public and private sectors that reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and thus mitigate climate change, and/or that reduce vulnerability to climate change and contribute to an adaptation process. The IDB approved US$6.1 billion in climate finance (45.3% of total approvals).
The IDB Group is composed of two separate legal entities: the IDB and the Inter-American Investment Corporation (IIC), which was rebranded as IDB Invest in 2017. The IDB Lab is a trust fund administered by the IDB and serves a unique function as the IDB Group s innovation laboratory. This dataset pertains to the IDB. Climate finance for the entire IDB Group (IDB, IDB Lab, and IDB Invest) in 2023 was US$8.3 billion.