Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism: Annual Report 2014
Date issued
Jul 2015
One of the most important milestones of 2014 was the approval of the new MICI Policy by the Bank's Board of Executive Directors on December 17, 2014 after 18 months of extensive revision, which entered into force immediately after its approval. The new Policy provided the Mechanism with a new operating structure and established a revised process for the receipt and processing of Requests with the objective of increasing its efficiency and efficacy. The 2014 Annual Report of MICI highlights these and other salient features and activities of the mechanism during the year including: An overview of five years of Request Management (2010-2014), The new MICI Policy and main changes with respect to the 2010 Policy, The Request Portfolio and its management, The new MICI from 2015 onwards. The Report is also available via the MICI's website