2006 COMPAS: Multilateral Development Banks Common Performance Assessment System
Jan 2007
The purpose of the Multilateral Development Bank (MDB) Common Performance Assessment System (COMPAS) is to provide a focus where the five members of the MDB Working Group on Managing for Development Results (MfDR) may jointly report on their own performance. The impetus for this kind of reporting framework stems from the growing public demand for information about the performance of various actors in the international development community, in which the MDBs play a major role. It is important to note that the purpose of the COMPAS is to report on MDB performance, not on country-level results, which are a joint product of several actors, including the MDBs. The COMPAS does not intend to encourage comparisons among MDBs comparisons among them are exceedingly difficult in view of their significant differences (as indicated in the Annex "Profiles of Multilateral Development Banks") but rather to provide baseline data against which each MDB may ascertain its own progress over time.