Country Program Evaluation: Guatemala: (2008-2011)

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Jan 2012
This evaluation examines the IDB's Country Program with Guatemala for the 2008-2011 period. The assessment shows very positive results in terms of the program's relevance, consistency, and positioning. Delays in loan authorization by Guatemala's legislative branch may have diminished IDB's effectiveness, as the assistance program missed potential inter-related synergies between the program's different components. Despite some delays in project authorization and execution, OVE was able to document positive results from the Mi Familia Progresa program and from projects approved under previous strategies, particularly in basic infrastructure. The global financial crisis starting in 2008 led to the disbursement of policy-based loans (PBLs) without conditionalities being met. As a consequence of these waivers, the effectiveness of these lending programs in supporting the country's development goals could have been affected. To strengthen IDB's effectiveness in Guatemala, OVE suggests to: (i) maintain the strategy design proposed in the pilot initiative implemented during 2008-2012; (ii) maintain the use of investment instruments; (iii) match the portfolio size to the country's current institutional capacity; (iv) increase the focus on helping the Government of Guatemala in overcoming the institutional weaknesses that limit the timely use of resources; and (v) minimize the use of waivers in relation to PBLs.