Dec 2015
Author(s): Näslund-Hadley, Emma;Ramos, María Clara;Paredes, Juan Roberto;Bolivar, Ángela;Wilches-Chaux, Gustavo
Like all living things, humans are "open systems." We're part of - not separate from - our environment, and we continually exchange materials, energy and information with it. What…
Dec 2015
Author(s): Näslund-Hadley, Emma;Ramos, María Clara;Paredes, Juan Roberto;Bolivar, Ángela;Wilches-Chaux, Gustavo
Los humanos, al igual que todos los seres vivos, somos sistemas abiertos. Somos parte ¿no separada¿ de nuestro medio ambiente, e intercambiamos continuamente materiales, energía e información con él…