Jan 2009
Author(s): Fernández-Arias, Eduardo;Jaramillo, Fidel;Agosin, Manuel R.;Sánchez, Gabriel;Butler, Inés;Blyde, Juan S.;Pinheiro, Armando Castelar;Daude, Christian;Cueva Armijos, Simón;Albornoz, Vicente;Avellán, Leopoldo;Artana, Daniel;Auguste, Sebastián;Cuevas, Mario;Hausmann, Ricardo;Klinger, Bailey;Bolaños Zamora, Rodrigo;Delgado Quesada, Félix;Moya, Ramiro;Sookram, Sandra;Watson, Patrick
Why are growth rates in Latin America so disappointing? This book reviews the results of an ambitious research project to determine the binding constraints to growth, that is, the barrier whose…