Japan Special Fund and Japanese Trust Fund for Consultancy Services Annual Report 2003

Jul 2004
This Annual Report details the activities of the Japanese Special Fund and the Japanese Trust Fund for Consultancy Services for 2003. Since its establishment, the Japan Special Fund (JSF) and the Japanese Trust Fund for Consultancy Services (JCF) have been important sources for supporting IDB's technical cooperation activities through financing a wide range of innovative solutions to the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean region. JSF is a completely untied fund, which finances conventional technical assistance projects, capacity building and pilot projects. JCF is a semi-tied resource which establishes cooperation and knowledge sharing between Japanese and local experts through financing technical assistance projects. In 2003, the Japanese Funds together financed 25 projects for US$12.1 million supporting various technical cooperation activities of the Bank such as preparation and implementation of loan projects, capacity building, and institutional strengthening.