Bogota Measurements - Concurrent Validity Bayley-Short Tests
Aug 2016
This dataset contains cross-sectional data collected on child development outcomes, child characteristics, and parental and home characteristics for a sample of 1,311 children ages 6-42 months of age living in a representative sample of low- and low-middle-income households in Bogota, Colombia. This is the sample used for the analysis in the paper “Concurrent Validity andFeasibility of Short Tests Currently Used to Measure Early Childhood Development in Large Scale Studies” by Marta Rubio-Codina, M Caridad Araujo, Orazio Attanasio, Pablo Muñoz and Sally Grantam-McGregor, forthcoming at PLOS ONE. The dataset and do files shared allow replication of the results in the paper. Please note that these data can only be used for non-commercial research purposes given the IDB data sharing standards and in order to comply with the commitment acquired by the researchers with study participants by means of the informed consent.